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How many photos should I have in my project?

The optimal number of photos per page depends on the kind of album you're creating.

The more pictures on a page, the 'busier' the page appears therefore someone browsing your album is less likely to be drawn to any particular photo. Conversely, the less photos on a page, the bigger you can make them and the more attractive these photos become.

The power of our albums is the capability to spread photos over a large area. This draws the eye to these photos and provides a significant amount of detail. You can then supplement these large photos with smaller, less crucial photos on the opposite page.

In general, our artistic customers tend to have less photos per page and more full page page spreads, but obviously they don't fit as many photos in their album.  On the flip side, you may not want to create an artistic representation and merely want to include all relevant photos for an historical record.

We suggest customers experiment with different styles using full page spreads, photos as backgrounds, and smaller photos on one page. That way you can see what looks good for the type of album you're creating.



Our priority is to make all your products as fast as we can - but never at the expense of quality. In fact 95% off all items are manufactured and dispatched within 2-4 business days. However we do recommend allowing 7 business days for dispatch for those rare occasions when your order doesn't pass internal quality control.


Still have questions? Ask us! Our amazing Customer Service team are all experts in Photo Book creation. And they're right here in Australia with you. So on the rare occasion an issue arises, we can sort it out as fast as possible.